API Inquiry Reference Guide

What is an API?

 An Application Programming Interface, or API, is a system designed to allow third-party developers to use centralized databases. The system is defined by XML-based command lines, or Calls, that allow developers to communicate with the database. When using APIs, the developers do not need a working knowledge of a database's internal structure. The only necessary tool needed is a command line to retrieve or send any specified data to transfer.   

Two types to API Calls exist: Inquiries and Updates

Inquiry transactions are identified by the command Get. An Inquiry made to the database retrieves information based on the command parameters. A developer can send to the database several variations of Inquiries. Each Inquiry is designed to retrieve specific information commonly sought by organizations; however, each call can be customized to retrieve additional data and/or set restrictions on the data received.

Update transactions are calls made to the database to modify existing information or submit new data. With Update calls, a definition must be identified to determine where the information will be sent and stored. Updates are made using existing definitions through ClearView's standard Lockbox import tool.  For assistance in creating a Lockbox definition, please contact Client Services.

Below is a collection of API Call types and guides to overview the intent of each call, how they will communicate with the main database, and how to use them.







An API inquiry that retrieves gifts, payments, and unposted transactions matching the data file criteria.


An API inquiry that retrieves payment details, including unposted batches, associated with a specified prospect.


An API inquiry that returns data based on a single given data parameter and returns all prospects meeting the criteria. The data includes all existing prospect table data, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails and additional demographics. 



An API inquiry that retrieves a list of additional demographic records meeting based on a given set of parameters - only lists all rows from additional demographics. 



An API inquiry that retrieves a list of codes associated with a given code table name. 


An API inquiry that retrieves a list of codes associated with a given code table name - only lists codes and descriptions. 


An API inquiry that retrieves all contact records matching data file criteria


get_duplicates An API inquiry that retrieves a list of potential duplicates for a specified prospect. 


get_epaymethod An API inquiry that retrieves all credit card_card rows flagged with a type_status "T" and matches the data file criteria  
get_eventfeepackages An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from the event_fee_packages table matching the data file criteria.
get_eventfees An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from the event_fees table matching the data file criteria.
get_eventfeesubsides An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from the event_fee_subsidies matching the data file criteria.
get_eventgifts An API inquiry that retrieves all event gift totals broken down by donor - includes full payment information. 
get_eventgroup An API inquiry that retrieves all fields from the events groups table for all groups (teams or tables), registrations, prospects, and email information for all prospects assigned to a group.
get_eventgroup1 An API inquiry that retrieves a full list of fields from the events group table for all groups (teams or tables), registrations, prospect, e-mail information for all prospects assigned to the group based on a given event code parameter. 


An API inquiry that retrieves an abbreviated list of fields (transnum and name only) from the event groups table for all groups (teams or tables) associated with the event based on a given event code parameter. 
get_eventgroup2 An API inquiry that retrieves all event groups (team or table), registration, prospect, and email information for all prospects assigned to a single group based on an event code and group trasnum parameter.
get_eventgroup2a An API inquiry that retrieves a single group event (team or table) record based on a given event code and group transnum parameter. 
get_eventgroupa An API inquiry that retrieves a single group event (team or table) record restricted by the given data file criteria.
get_eventpreferences An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from a event_preferences table matching the data file criteria.


get_favorites An API inquiry that retrieves columns from the user_favorite table matching the data file criteria.
get_fullprospect An API inquiry that retrieves prospects based on a specified single data parameter - includes all prospect data, addresses, telephone numbers, and emails.
get_fullprospectbio An API inquiry that retrieves prospects based on a specified single data parameter - includes all prospect data, addresses, telephone numbers, emails, and additional demographics. 


get_gifts An API inquiry that retrieves columns from the gift_view table matching the data file criteria.
get_gifts_cc An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from the gift_table table matching the data file criteria - includes any row linked to the gift from EFT and credit card transactions. 
get_gifts_sc An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from the gift_view table matching the data file criteria.
get_grouppreferences An API inquiry that retrieves all columns from the reg_pref table matching the data file criteria.


get_idappeal An API inquiry that retrieves a list of prospect and appeal code information based on defined search criteria.
get_interests An API inquiry that retrieves a list of interest records based on specified parameters that match the data file criteria.
get_items An API inquiry that retrieves a list of items (inventory) for a specified item code (ITEMS.ITEMCODE) or a keyword (ITEMS.KEYWORD) based on specified search criteria - includes data from the ITEMS (inventory) and INV_QUANTITIES tables.


get_mail An API inquiry that retrieves a list of mail records based on specified parameters matching data file criteria. 
get_membership An API inquiry that retrieves a list of membership records based on specified parameters matching data file criteria
get_memo An API inquiry that retrieves columns from the memo table matching the data file criteria


get_participants An API inquiry that retrieves a full list of participants (reg_names) associated with a group (table or team), including registration and prospect information and preferred address, email and telephone number based on a specified groupid.
get_participantsa An API inquiry that retrieves a full list of participants (reg_names) associated with a group (table or team), including abbreviated reg_name, registration and prospect information based on a specified groupid (table or team unique identifier).
get_payment An API inquiry that retrieves a list of payment records based on specified parameter matching data file criteria.
get_paymentpreferredprospect An API inquiry that retrieves full table information for each payment, including prospect records, preferred phone number, address and email. 
get_preferredprospect An API inquiry that retrieves prospects based on aliases and idnumbers matching data file criteria - includes preferred address, telephone and email.
get_preferredprospectbio An API inquiry that retrieves prospects based on aliases or idnumbers matching data file criteria - includes preferred address, telephone, email, and additional demographics.  


get_query An API inquiry that retrieves all rows from a table restricting data based on the query passed in. 


get_registration1 An API inquiry that retrieves a list of registration based on a given prospect alias. 
get_registration2 An API inquiry that retrieves any registration associated with the given prospect alias and appeal.  
get_registration4 An API inquiry that retrieves columns from the registration table matching the data file. 
get_regname An API inquiry that retrieves a list of registration information based on given search criteria - includes data from REG_NAME, REGISTRATIONS, PROSPECT, ADDRESS, EMAIL, and PHONE tables.  
get_regpreferences An API inquiry that retrieves columns from the reg_name and reg_pref tables matching the data file criteria. 


get_search An API inquiry that performs a Prospect Search and retrieves the results based on specified parameters. The data is limited do to security purposes.
get_search_ct An API inquiry that retrieves information for prospect matching data file criteria.
get_std_address An API inquiry that retrieves standardized Addresses. 
get_sumeventallpay An API inquiry that retrieves registration and gift payments for an event, including unposted batches. 
get_sumeventgift An API inquiry that retrieves total gift payments for an event based on a specified event.  
get_sumeventpay An API inquiry that retrieves total payments for an event.  
get_sumeventreg An API inquiry that retrieves fee totals, registration counts, participation counts, group counts, and related goal for an event given a specified event.
get_sumgroupallpay An API inquiry that retrieves payment totals for event groups. 
get_sumgroupgift An API inquiry that retrieves gift payment totals for an event group.  

An API inquiry that retrieves total payments for an event group. 

get_sumgroupreg An API inquiry that retrieves participant counts for event groups.
get_sumpayamountgroup An API inquiry that retrieves the sum of payments for all of the individuals in a group base on a given groupid and appeal code.  
get_sumpayamountid An API inquiry that retrieves the sum of payments for a prospect, appeal code, or combination based on a given alias or appealcode. 
get_sumprospectallpay An API inquiry that retrieves event gift totals broken down by donor.
get_sumregnameallpay An API inquiry that retrieves payment totals for event participants.  
get_sumregnamegift An API inquiry that retrieves total gift payments for event participants. These get payments are those credited to group participants (by payment idnumber or volunteerid).
get_sumregnamepay An API inquiry that retrieves total payments for event participants. These get payments are those credited to group participants (by payment idnumber or volunteerid) plus the payment for their registration.


get_table_pg An API inquiry that retrieves total payments for event participants. These are the gift payments for which groups participants get credit (payment idnumber or volunteerid) plus the payments for their registrations. 
get_trackings An API inquiry that retrieves a list of TRACKING (opportunity) rows using specified search results. 


get_unit_hierarchy An API inquiry that retrieves information for a single unit - includes all parents of that unit. 


get_version An API inquiry that retrieves the current version of PledgeMaker using organization.version.



Use of this API inquiry requests a means of complying with certain SofTrek licensing requirements. Each login request counts against concurrent user limitations, where applicable. Use of this request type does not have any security benefits. In particular, it does not imply that privilege restrictions defined for the named user will be applied.

remove_version An API inquiry that checks for a row in app_data where app_name = <appname> and version = <myversion> and pm_version = <pmversion>. If the row does not exist, then nothing happens (no error). If the row exists, the row is deleted.
set_version An API inquiry that checks for a row in table APP_DATA where app_name = <appname> and version = <myversion> and pm_version = organization.version. If this row does not exist, then insert it. If an error is encountered, then a failure message is returned. If successful, a success message is returned.


privs 32Privileges to access features or to personalize configurable ones can vary by user, as well as by role, and are determined by your organization.  If you have questions about your privilege settings, contact your administrator.
