
Snapshot Snapshot

About Gifts

Gifts are voluntary donations made by Prospects to organizations. They can be outright payments made to an organization, where the Gift and payment are received and entered together, or a Pledge that a specific donation will be made on a future date. They are most often comprised of cash, stock, or other tangible funds, but can also be in the form of goods or services.


Common Forms of Gifts

    • Planned Gifts - A prospect commits to giving a major Gift, such as cash, equities, or property, on a future date or scheduled payment cycle. These gifts often take the form of bequests or charitable annuities.
    • Gifts in Kind - Goods or services given to an organization. These are often items such as food, clothing, or equipment.
    • Pledges - Donations promised to an organization, verbally or in writing, that have not yet been received.
warning Pledge-related information can be stored on the Pledge record.
info1Gifts can also be donated to an event, or to support an event participant. See Event-related Donations in the Processing Various Types of Gifts article for more information.


ClearView helps you manage Gifts and their associated information, such as are when they were received, funds they are associated with, appeal codes, batch numbers, tributes, and associated prospects (for soft credits).

Click the slider to learn about the fields associated with a Gift record:

open Gift Record Fields

This table outlines which fields can be included in this type of record. The table is organized by default order. Keep in mind that your organization can customize the structure and labels for all Go To Records, so the order in which you see fields and the names of each field may vary.

info 16For most coded fields, use Table Maintenance to define new codes, modify existing code details, delete unused codes, or expire outdated codes.
ID Number

The prospect ID number of the donor.

Tran Type

The type of gift transaction. Options are: Donation, Pledge, or Lifetime Pledge.

Gift Amount

The dollar amount of the donation.

Gift Date

The date the gift is received.

Gift Type

The code representing the type of monetary transaction for the gift, e.g., gift-in-kind, securities, cash, etc.


The fund associated with the transaction.


The appeal code associated with the transaction.

Unit ID#

The unit ID number associated with the transaction.


Owner/Solicitor code; this field represents the staff person responsible for obtaining the gift.

Batch No.

The batch number associated with the gift transaction.

Document Number

External system unique identifier.


Additional information associated with the gift transaction.


Indicates whether a gift can be listed for recognition purposes.


Indicates when there is a matching gift associated with the gift transaction.


The ID number of the volunteer responsible for obtaining the gift.

Gift Usercode 1-6 Description

A user-defined coded table field associated with the gift transaction.

User Flag 1

A user-defined flag field associated with the gift transaction.

User Number 1

A user-defined numeric field associated with the gift transaction.

User Text 1

A user-defined free text field associated with the gift transaction.


The transaction number of the opportunity record associated with the gift transaction.

Planned Gift #

The transaction number of the planned gift record associated with the gift transaction.

Registration #

The transaction number of the registration record associated with the gift transaction.

Honor / Memorial Flag

A flag indicating if the gift is an honor or a memorial gift transaction.

In Honor/Memory Of

The prospect ID number of the individual or entity in whose honor or memory the gift transaction was made.

H/M Remark

A remark associated with the honor/memorial gift transaction.


A flag indicating whether the gift transaction will be acknowledged, or if an acknowledgement for the gift has been sent.

Acknowledged Date

The date that an acknowledgement for the gift was sent.


The type of acknowledgement letter associated with the gift.

Transfer Source Transnum

The transaction number of the gift from which this gift was created using the transfer feature.

Transfer Reason

The reason for a transfer associated with the gift transaction.


A prospect who is to be notified when the donor makes a gift, and whether the prospect has been notified.


A prospect associated with the gift transaction and the type of association.

Gift Audit

Information regarding adjustments made to the gift record.


Though Gifts are made without the expectation of compensation, a great way to thank Prospects while incentivizing future giving is to attach a Premium to a Gift. Check out our Premiums documentation to learn more.


Additional Fundraising Methods

Gifts are not the only way to raise funds, and many organizations need a way to track payments made by Prospects in exchange for goods or services. These are some common fundraising methods our software helps you manage:

  • Registrations - Fees paid to an organization by people signing up to participate in an event.

info1 Gifts, such as funds raised by individuals or teams who are registered to participate, can be associated with an Event.
  • Memberships - Fees or dues paid by people for Membership in an organization. It implies that the member receives some sort of benefit, such as access to an organization's resources, programs, events, or facilities.
  • Subscriptions - Fees paid by people wishing to subscribe to a service provided by the organization, such as a monthly publication.
  • Orders - Monetary funds received by organizations in exchange for the sale of goods or services. Those payments are filtered into the organization's expense budgets.


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steps 60 Steps

How to use Gift Records

To navigate within a Gift Record

To use Quick Actions on a Gift record

To view records associated with the Gift record


To navigate within a Gift Record:

1. To view or hide any section of a Gift record, click the Expand / Collapse icon next to the header row of each section of the record. expand

2. From the Jump To sidebar menu, navigate directly to the associated section, such as Associated Prospects or Gift Audits.expand

info1 Using a Jump To link to navigate to a section of the page will automatically expand the section if it is collapsed.

3. From within each section of the Gift record, use the Back to Top link to navigate back to the beginning of the page. expand


(Click image to enlarge)

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To use Quick Actions on a Gift record:

1. Select the action you wish to perform from the Quick Actions navigation menu on the left side: expand

2. Complete any tasks as required by that feature.

Quick Actions

(Click image to enlarge)

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To view records associated with the Gift record:

1. On the Go To sidebar menu, click the link of the record you would like to see associated with the Giftexpand

    • Memos: View a list of Memos associated with the Gift record. expand
    • Orders: View a list of Orders associated with the Gift record.expand
    • Payments: View a list of Payments associated with the Gift record.expand
    • Recognitions: View a list of Recognition records associated with the Gift.expand
    • Premiums: View a list of Premium records associated with the Gift record. expand

info1 The full-page data tables for Memos, Orders, Payments, Recognitions, and Premiums filter results to only display for this Gift. To see all associated records for Gift connected to the Prospect, change the filter to for this Prospect.
info1 You can configure the Go To menu to display or hide items using the Go To Menu Settings options found in Administration.



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privs 32Privileges to access features or to personalize configurable ones can vary by user, as well as by role, and are determined by your organization. If you have questions about your privilege settings, contact your administrator.