Campaign Summary View

camera 60 Snapshot

About Campaign Summary Views

Use Campaign Summary View for quick, at-a-glance information about a campaign. These overview summaries are organized into different tabs. ClearView comes stocked with a variety of standard tabs for you to choose from, some of which have additional configuration options built in. The order of tabs can be set up to best suit your needs.

info 16You can optionally set up multiple campaign summary tab configurations, depending on permissions, by selecting Profile off the user menu and clicking Campaign Summary Views in the Application section expand img. See the Manage Campaign Summary Views help article for more information.

warning 16Access to Campaign Summary View options is granted to users by ClearView administrators. ClearView administrators can also configure and assign views to users, and/or roles of users. See the Campaign Summary View Administration help article for more information.


Common options for working with campaign records are in the Quick Actions sidebar menu. There you can do things like create an Appeal, a Campaign Activity record, Element and Expense records, or an Event. Links in the Go To sidebar menu take you to specific types of records associated with the campaign, like Appeals, Gifts, Mail, and more.

warn 16Each Go To sidebar menu link displays a handy count that indicates how many transactions of that nature are on record for the campaign. ClearView administrators can configure what options appear in both the Go To and Quick Actions sidebar menus. At the top of the screen, the campaign's name itself is a direct link into the detailed campaign record, where things like the campaign expiration date, Campaign Type and Unit are found.

campaign summary view

(click image to enlarge)








steps 60 Steps

How to use campaign summary views

To go to a campaign summary view

To change which campaign summary view you are using


To go to a campaign summary view:

1. From the Campaign Management screen expand img, select Work with Campaigns.

  • The Campaigns data table displays expand img.

2. From the Campaigns data table, select the row of the campaign with which you want to work.

  • The Campaign Summary View screen displays expand img.

campaign summary views on profile tab

(click image to enlarge)




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To change which campaign summary view you are using:

1.  From the Campaign Management screen expand img, select Work with Campaigns.

  • The Campaigns data table displays expand img.

2. From the Campaigns data table, select the row of the campaign with which you want to work.

  • The Campaign Summary View screen displays expand img.

3. From the top-right of the screen, click the Switch Views drop-down menu expand img

  • Your list of available views displays.

info 16Campaign Summary Views are assigned by your ClearView Administrator. If the Switch Views drop-down menu is not visible, either you do not have permission to access this feature or you only have one campaign summary view set up. If you have permission to create a new campaign summary view, you may do so by selecting Profile from the user menu expand img, and choosing Campaign Summary Views expand img.


info 16If you have access to the Switch Views drop-down menu, you can also manage your views by selecting the Manage Views option expand img. See Manage Campaign Summary Views help documentation for more information.


4. Select the desired view.

  • Your campaign summary view changes to the selected version and its name displays at the top of the screen expand img.

switch campaign summary views

(click image to enlarge)














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relatedArticle 60 Related articles:

Campaign Management Overview

Campaign Summary View Administration

Work with Campaigns

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Leave a suggestion help 16


privs 32  Privileges to access features or to personalize configurable ones can vary by user, as well as by role, and are determined by your organization.  If you have questions about your privilege settings, contact your administrator.